Saturday, December 15, 2012

Let's go kaiten-sushi(sushi-go-round)!

Hi, my name is ninja kurokage.
 My favorite food is sushi.

Today I will introduce "kaiten-sushi". (sushi-go-round)

Kaiten-sushi restaurants have rotating sushi on a belt conveyer and you need no hesitation to go in. Kaiten-sushi is a lower price than  decent sushi bar.

Sushi is rotating on the belt conveyer, you can take it you want to eat.

Finish eating, stack the dish on the table. and talk to staff "gochiso-sama" or "oaiso". That's mean "May we have the check, Please?”

Please come to Japan,to go to Kaiten-sushi.

Kurokage Web page

Monday, December 10, 2012

Let's go! decent sushi bar!

Hi,My name is Ninja Kurokage.

My favorite food is sushi.
I will introduce sushi.
You can eat a sushi at decent sushi bar or converter-belt sushi bar.
Today, I talk about decent sushi bar.
Enter the sushi bar,sit at the bar.

sushi chef ask you "What do you want to eat"?
(In japanese "Hey nani ni shimasyo?")

You select from the menu.
For example, If you want to eat tuna, you will said ”tuna please”.
(In japanese "Maguro hitotu kudasai"or "taisyo maguro iccho")

Sushi chef put tuna sushi in front of you.
You eat it with a dash of soy sauce.

Sushi is typically made in front of the customer, so that the sushi chef can show off his style.

You can enjoy seeing sushi chef making a sushi.

I think that decent sushi bar is expensive, but sushi good and you have the opportunity to experience Japanese customs.

please come to japan to eat sushi at decent sushi bar.

Kurokage Web site

Sunday, December 9, 2012

My favorite food "sushi"

Hi,my name is ninja kurokage.
I ate sushi yesterday.Sushi is my favorite food.
Sushi bar menu includes "maguro", "ika", "tamago" , "kai" , "tako" ,  "engawa", "uni" , "ikura" and much more.
Sushi is a Japanese food consisting of cooked vinegared rice combined with other ingredients, usually raw fish or other seafood.

Sushi is very good!
Please come to japan to eat a sushi.

Kurokage Web site

Sushi caligraphy

Japanese traditional custom "tukimi"

Hi, my name is ninja kurokage.
I look up at the night sky and  I see the full moon.

The full moon  is beautiful in autumn.
In Japan,  there is a custom of seeing the full moon in autumn. That is called "tukimi"

Today, many Japanese enjoy the full moon and offer it dumplings. Seeing the moon and drink
a japanese sake.
I feel "wabi-sabi"

Kurokage Web site

"tukimi" caligraphy

Friday, December 7, 2012

Autumn has come! "Ko-yo" is beautiful

Hi,my name is ninja kurokage.
The wind has gotten colder, and finally autumn has come here in japan.
I like autumn,because food is good, the climate is very nice and "ko-yo" is beautiful.

There are many trees that turn the yellows, orange, and red colors.  That is "ko-yo"

"Ko-yo" is very beautiful.

Please come to japan,and see "ko-yo"

Kurokage Web site


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"Zarei" Japanese polite bow

Hi, my name is ninja kurokage.
Today, I talk about greeting. Japan has many greeting.
Among them, "Zarei" is japanese polite bow.
If you learn Judo,shodo,Karate, art of flower arrangement and ninja art, you need to bow(Zarei) teacher.
Zarei is show your respect to your opponent.

"Rei ni hajimari Rei ni owaru" It means "Start with bow and end with bow". But the word "Rei" also means "respect".

Zarei: First you get down on your's knees, have your hands in front of your knees and then slowly and quietly lower your head. pause a while.

Then slowly lift your head up.

Kurokage Web site


Zarei movie.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Nice to meet you!

Nice to meet you.
My name is Ninja Kurokage. I am the man who introduces the Japanese cultures for all over the world.
Such as samurai, karate, tea ceremony, kimono, origami, ninja and so on.
I will introduce Japanese culture and custom.

Kurokage Web site

This is Zarei that japanese traditional polite bow.