Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"Zarei" Japanese polite bow

Hi, my name is ninja kurokage.
Today, I talk about greeting. Japan has many greeting.
Among them, "Zarei" is japanese polite bow.
If you learn Judo,shodo,Karate, art of flower arrangement and ninja art, you need to bow(Zarei) teacher.
Zarei is show your respect to your opponent.

"Rei ni hajimari Rei ni owaru" It means "Start with bow and end with bow". But the word "Rei" also means "respect".

Zarei: First you get down on your's knees, have your hands in front of your knees and then slowly and quietly lower your head. pause a while.

Then slowly lift your head up.

Kurokage Web site


Zarei movie.

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