Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Japanese popular idol "Perfume"

Hi, My name is Kurokage Ninja.

My hobby is dance.
Especially I love house dance.
House dance is dance to the music of house music, elector music and club music.
So I love house music, club music and club music.
Perfume is popular idol in Japan.

Perfcume is consist of "Nocchi","A-chan", and "Kashiyuka".
From left "Kashiyuka", "Nocchi" and "A-chan".
The music genre  is electro music, club music or house music.
Yasutaka Nakata produce Perfume and Kyary pamyu pamyu.

Girls are good at dancing, based on Hip Hop.
In Japan, young girls copy choreography that are popular.

Perfume original, spring of life

amateur young girls group copy "spring of life"

Amateur young girls group copy cloth and hairstyle.

Perfume is very popular in Japan.

Let's check!

If you have any question, please give me a message!

Kurokage Website



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