Saturday, February 16, 2013

Japanese traditional culture Shodo(calligraphy)

Hi, My name is Kurokage Ninja.
I hold ink brush with my right hand.
Ink brush is tools for shodo(calligraphy).
Shodo is Japanese traditional culture.
A long time ago Japanese write with a ink brush.
Letter, book, graphic and all that writen or drawn  by a brush.
          National treasure, Ama no hashidate, drawn by Sesshu.
Tsuruzusitaewakakan,drawn by Tawaraya sotatsu.

I think shodo is very beautiful, writing form, creation and shodo tools.

The purpose for shodo is write a good hand.
In order to write a good hand, concentrate to write and clear one's mind of distracting thoughts.
Shodo bump up one's creativity and make someone mentally strong.

Let's shodo!!

Kurokage Website

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