Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Please tell me what Japanese language students want to know.

Hi, my name is Kurokage Ninja.

Many people learn Japanese language.
I want to help them.

I will make Japanese language instructional text, but I don't know what someone really wants, grammar,oral communication, how to write hiragana, or kanji?

 Japanese grammar?
how to write hiragana?
how to write kanji?

Please let us know.


  1. Hi Kurokage

    Is it possible for you to explain some syntax and grammar please?

    For example I know the basic Japanese sentence structure is "Subject .... Object ... Verb". For example: "He eat fish" becomes "Kare wa sakano o tabemasu". But how do I construct more complex sentences? For example how do I say "He eats the fish that fell out of the water"? Or even more complex "He quickly eats the fish that fell out of the water".

    Also can you please write in roman letters? I am still working on building vocabulary and syntax. I still have a long way to go before I can learn to read kana and kanji.


  2. くろがけ さん
    ずっと のために ありがとう がおざいました

    かんじ は わたし の もんだい、ほんとうに かんじ の ちょうせん は むずかしい すぎる。この ちょうさ に ちょくめん が わからない。。。なにか おすすめませんか。

  3. Antonio Barrera Mora-san.

    ありがとう がおざいました->ありがとう ございました。

    おすすめは、にほんの しょうがくせい の てきすとが いい と思います。

    I recommend text for Japanese elementary school student, or I am going to Kanji text for foreigner. I need more time.
